Fiche cheval raging beauty

R7C7 du

platgeraldton australie1213M14652friday december 27th walkaway cup handicap (1213 metres)13 partantsdépart à 09:00
Non-partants : 7
19justhandyF77p7p1p8p7pnatasha faithfull/101:12
210spirit manH58p9p4p4p8pkristy bennett/11 l 3/4
35enticingH75p2p6p3p4pt turner/12 l
413finance legendH47p9p6p0p0plisa staples/11/2 l
52be seatedH75p4p7p8p0pjason brown/11/4 l
612sanabeauF69p6p2p0p4pchanel cooper/12 l
711raging beautyF63p1p0p7p3pmadi derrick/11/2 l
84make mine superH54p8p8p9p1pp farrell/11 l
91oregon hikerH50p2p0p1p1paustin galati/11 l 1/4
106cousin nicciF53p9p9p0p1pc nicoll/12 l
118first contactF57p5p5p2p1pkeshaw dhurun/11 l 3/4
123pink caratsH77p0p8p8pjoseph see/16 l
7life of brianH59p9p(23)7p0plisa staples/1

R7C5 du

platgeraldton australie1100M14652tonya morrison handicap (1100 metres)14 partantsdépart à 07:55
Non-partants : 1 - 13
1la detteF52p4p(23)2p5plucy fiore/1
13king akeedH44p4p1p2p9pjoseph azzopardi/101:05
25safe hustleH44p0p3p6p5pamy jo hayes/1
312raging beautyF61p3p3p8p7pp carbery/1
2magnificent caratF52p4p4p6p2pkristo sardelic/1
4finance legendH48p1p(23)7p5pnatasha faithfull/1
6monty zoomerH44p1p0p7pb banovic-edwards/1
7go go gracieF58p9p1p0pc nicoll/1
8nefertitiF40p5p1p(23)5pjade mc naught/1
9queen's sacrificeF59p0p1p0p6pj see/1
10stevie's mayF59p0p6p6paustin galati/1
11high precisionF73p6p7p(22)5pt turner/1
13soaring soloF43p7p7p0p0preserviste 1/1
14glass offF70p5p9p6p7pchanel cooper/1

R7C5 du

platgeraldton australie1100M14658shannon dillon handicap (1100 metres)13 partantsdépart à 08:20
Non-partants : 13
18ouqburraH50p8p1p2pzephen johnston-porter/101:05
23luckee floranH44p2p(22)1p3pp knuckey/1tete
35just got paidH46p0p5p2p1pnatasha faithfull/11/2 l
44juruena goldH43p1p2p3p4pc nicoll/11/2 l
56pop the moetH66p5p1p2p3pluke campbell/11/2 l
69russian sniperH43p0p5p4p1pmichael poy/11/2 l
72compakH44p1p5p4p7pw r davis/1encolure
812glass offF69p1p4p2p5pb banovic-edwards/11 l 1/4
910raging beautyF52p2p6p3p2pmadi derrick/1tete
107sanabeauF57p1p5p1p3pt turner/11/2 l
111bold prophetH55p6p6p1p1pcassey martinan/11 l 1/4
1211copping pointsH60p2p2p2p3pms k yuill/17 l
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