Fiche cheval damoiseau

R5C8 du

platwolverhampton1750M10453handicap (class 6) - div 111 partantsdépart à 19:45
18boujee goldF56p4p9p0p4pmarco ghiani13/101:47
210forever proudF46p3p6p7p3psean dylan bowen7.2/13/4 l
34light up our starsH84p7p6p9p5pjoey haynes27/11 l 1/4
43my brother mikeH101p6p6p8p3pconnor planas6.9/11/2 l
57inspiring speechesH36p2p2p5p3plewis edmunds7/11 l 1/2
66kodebreakerH56p6p4p5p2pjason hart26/11 l 1/4
71adaceF62p1p2p5p2pkieran o'neill4.6/11 l
811damoiseauH44p9p7p4p7pluke morris9.4/13/4 l
95we'renotreallyhereH48p3p5p2p7prhys clutterbuck14/11 l 1/2
102legend of lerosH40p0p5p5p0prossa ryan6.2/11 l 1/2
119storm assetH58p3p3p7p2plaura pearson17/13 l 1/2

R5C1 du

platwolverhampton1900M6620handicap (class 6) 19009 partantsdépart à 16:30
Non-partants : 6
15irvH86p(23)0p6p4paiden brookes24/102:01
23damoiseauH43p7p2p3p0pjack enright6.1/12 l 1/2
34inexplicableH70p4p1p2p3pzak wheatley6.6/11 l 1/2
47capallclisteH44p5p7p3p7ptaryn langley8.6/11 l
51trojan truthH53p1p(23)3p5pliam wright2.2/11 l 1/4
69beau gesteH80p8p6p0pmolly gunn35/17 l 1/2
78child of lirH49p5p2p6p6polivia tubb23/13/4 l
82laser focusH68p9p4p(23)4hjoe leavy5/1encolure
6fanzoneH75p6p2p3p7pbrandon wilkie1.4/1
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