Fiche cheval gregory

R6C2 du

platyork3260M290348weatherbys h. lonsdale cup s. (cl1) (gr 2) -world pool9 partantsdépart à 13:25
17vaubanH63p4p2p(23)0pwilliam buick/103:28
21al nayyirH65p2p4p2pluke morris/1cte tete
33gregoryM43p7p3p(23)5pjames doyle/12 l 1/2
48night sparkleF52p2p7p2poisin murphy/11 l
54point lonsdaleM53p1p6p0pryan moore/13 l
65quickthornH74p5p(23)6p1ptom marquand/1encolure
72alsakibM41p4p3p6pp. j. mcdonald/12 l 1/2
89align the starsM31p1p1p3p2pjoe fanning/120 l
96tashkhanH65p0p(23)3p3pben robinson/130 l

R7C4 du

platgoodwood3200M580695goodwood cup stakes - world pool7 partantsdépart à 14:35
Non-partants : 6
14kypriosM61p1p1p(23)2pryan moore1.3/103:21
25sweet williamH53p1p3p(23)3probert havlin6.65/13 l 1/2
33gregoryM47p3p(23)5p3pjames doyle14/1tete
47trueshanH81p3p4p(23)4phollie doyle9.75/13 l 1/2
51al qareemH52p5p4p2pclifford lee20/13/4 l
62coltraneH75p1p0p(23)5poisin murphy15/120 l
6tashkhanH65p0p(23)3p3pben robinson/1

R5C4 du

platascot4000M754904gold cup (gr.1) - world pool10 partantsdépart à 15:25
Non-partants : 7
13kypriosM61p1p(23)2p2pryan moore1.8/104:18
26trawlermanH63p(23)1p1p1pwilliam buick5.8/11 l
35sweet williamH51p3p(23)3p2probert havlin11/14 l 1/2
48vaubanH62p(23)0p1p1pcolin keane7.8/12 l 1/2
51coltraneH71p0p(23)5p5poisin murphy10/11 l 3/4
610caius choristerF52p2p(23)1p3pbenoit de la sayette25/19 l
79gregoryM43p(23)5p3p1pjames doyle11/119 l
82enemyH75p7p2p1p2prichard kingscote50/19 l
94prydwenH61p1p2p5pcallum shepherd39/130 l
7trueshanH83p4p(23)4p1phollie doyle/1

R6C4 du

platdoncaster2920M863656st leger stakes (class 1) (group 1) (british champions series)9 partantsdépart à 14:35
14continuousM31p2p8p3pryan moore3.2/103:06
22arrestM31p5p0p1pfrankie dettori3.7/12 l
36desert heroM31p1p8p(22)1ptom marquand6/11/2 l
49tower of londonM32p1p1p6pjim crowley11/11/2 l
57gregoryM33p1p1p1pkieran shoemark8.6/11 l 1/2
63chesspieceM32p1p3p1p3pjames doyle14/17 l 1/2
78middle earthM31p1p2p2poisin murphy8.3/11 l 3/4
85denmarkM33p2p5p(22)2pdaniel tudhope38/11 l
91alexandroupolisM36p3p(22)1psean levey56/19 l 1/2

R6C3 du

platyork2380M290598great voltigeur stakes -world pool5 partantsdépart à 14:00
15continuousM32p8p3p(22)1pryan moore/102:27
24castle wayM31p1p(22)1p4pwilliam buick/13 l
31gregoryM31p1p1pfrankie dettori/11 l
42artistic starM34p3p7p1prob hornby/110 l
53canberra legendM33p5p9p1p1pdaniel muscutt/11 l

R4C6 du

platascot2800M301165queen's vase (class 1) (group 2) - world pool14 partantsdépart à 16:35
15gregoryM31p1pfrankie dettori/103:03
210saint georgeM31p1p3p(22)5poisin murphy/11 l 1/2
32chesspieceM31p3p(22)1pjames doyle/13 l
43circle of fireM33p2p(22)1p3prichard kingscote/11 l 1/4
54etna rossoM32p1pdylan browne mcmonagle/11 l 3/4
612st vincents gardenM31p6p3pwilliam buick/1encolure
79peking operaM31p(22)1p2pryan moore/1cte tete
814sumo samF33p5p2p(22)1pkevin stott/1encolure
913think firstM35p5p4p(22)6pneil callan/11 l
101batemans bayH3(22)4p1p5pjames mcdonald/11 l
116hadrianusM33p3p2p(22)1pandrea atzeni/12 l
128nurburgringM35p1p(22)6pm. p. sheehy/14 l
137ndaawiM36p(22)7p1p1pdavid probert/115 l
1411steven seagullH36p3p5p2pdarragh keenan/16 l 1/2
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